Student/School Award
Ian Cottrell Hope & Jesse Rhodes Scholarship
Waldo County Technical Center $5000
Colby Treat Thomas Lawson Scholarship
Waldo County Technical Center $5000
Morgan Tolliver F. Frederick Romanow Scholarship
Belfast Area High School $5000
Brianna Fairbrother Hawthorne Service Scholarship
Searsport District High School $5000
Josiah Howard Malmberg Service Scholarship
Belfast Area High School $6000
Autumn Fletcher Duane Service Scholarship
Mount View High School $8000
Ezra Holt Leadership Scholarship
Mount View High School $5000
Tanner Carson Leadership Scholarship
Belfast Area High School $5000
Jane Bluhm Manley Rogers Scholarship
Belfast Area High School $5000
Danielle Hicock Pitman Scholarship
Belfast Area High School $6000
Ada Curry Malmberg Leadership Scholarship
Belfast Area High School $7000
Benjamin Richards Duane Leadership Scholarship
Mount View High School $8000
Cassandra Kromer Robert M. Hooper Scholarship
Belfast Area High School $10,000
Eighty thousand dollars was awarded to thirteen students from Belfast Area High School, Mt View High School, Searsport High School and Waldo County Technical School.
Each student was introduced by a Rotarian who gave a brief bio and the accomplishments they have achieved. What an amazing group of students!
Front Row L to R: Brianna Fairbrother, Autumn Fletcher, Cassandra Kromer, Ezra Holt, Ada Curry, Danielle Hicock, Jane Bluhm, Morgan Tolliver
Back Row L to R: Benjamin Richards, Ian Cottrell, Colby Treat, Josiah Howard, Tanner Carson